This week God came into my car urgently and said "Michael, pull out your notes I need you to write an article." He then began to show me that in the midst of injustices that will be OVERTURNED, and in the midst of HIS ANSWER to all of the current events in this season - there are four things that you will be encouraged by that are going to take place within his church in the coming days. Again amidst this Prophetic Presidential hour, there are four P's being birthed into the church that we will see in our lives in the coming season. The Bible says that humility comes before honor (Prov 18:12) and if it's one thing that's apparently clear... There has definitely been a great deal of humbling among the prophetic and faith camps of the body of Christ upon recent events, and reports. But just as his word states, that humility comes before honor. So shall it be in the coming days! Often humility is there to remind us, that even on both sides of our disagreements - God has sought to make his hand seen, and to make his self clearly known among us all. It requires us to come low before him, to stay in a posture of Prayer... It's a reminder that he gets the Glory. It's a foreshadowing of the coming revival - it's a revival that will not exalt man. No, not man in government, not man in the world system, not even man in the church! It's a revival where God's hand will clearly be seen. And for his hand to be seen we all must come low, under that mighty hand, that even in our exaltation in due season - we know for sure that it is him and only him that is lifting us up in Christ. PROMOTION In this hour I see a great promotion upon the horizon! Many who have been covered and hidden and many voices that have been silenced in the past are going to begin to be heard in the coming months... The proverbial masks are coming OFF!! All of our covered faces have only been a symbol on the outside of where the heart of the church has been on the inside... With mouths shut up - eyes blinded and quarantined away in our own homes of obscurity. Do you see how God has allowed us to see on the outside what has become of us on the inside? Yet, still, this was a blessing turned in our favor, because we shall soon see the OVERTURN. I see Ministries being birthed, I see churches being planted, I see pastors being risen up - at the transition of this very hour. I see NEW local and National voices emerging. I hear the Lord encouraging that not one word shall fall to the ground, but that there will be affirmations of gifts. There will be confirmations of callings, promises fulfilled, and much more! PROVISION Part of GOD'S ANSWER to the church in the coming hour will be an answer to the cry of LACK, DEFICIT, and POVERTY amidst this current pandemic. As well as every financial stronghold that has locked down this generation of prophetic warriors to be lifted, as God empowers the church and the emerging generation of called-out ones that have been in waiting to come forth! I see the wealth of the wicked being transferred to the Just in rapid acceleration... but not only to the church alone (religious system) but to the remnant for a specific equipping and special purpose - specific to the current times we are living in, as God will open the windows of heaven to pour out a SPECIAL blessing and recompense upon the faithful and uncompromising in this next hour. PURPOSE There is an ASSIGNMENT and a new MANDATE being released from the courts of heaven to God's chosen remnant in the coming season, as God prepares to position his Leaders for the greatest end day revival that the world has ever seen. Even in this current hour, I see angels carrying instructions that are being dispatched throughout the body of Christ to those whose ears are attuned to Him. These instructions are marching orders for what's to come... PERPETUITY God is releasing an INVITATION to his Bride - for a Renewed ETERNAL COVENANT with him! As we turn from our idols, and as we repent for the Church of this generation. In the NEW ERA, I see God releasing an eternal covenant over the greatest HARVEST the world has ever seen. I see this covenant will not only be evident in heaven but that the eternal favor and blessing will clearly be seen upon the very lives of the remnant. As the world looks on, it will truly be said as in John 10:10, That Christians will be living in life and life more abundantly! I see ZOE life resting upon the lives of Christians, specifically families across the land, even as the Glory of God rested upon the face of Moses in the light of the presence of the Lord. The bride will bear the mark of God's eternal covenant upon them as a witness in these last days. I see all of these things soon to begin to come to pass. First, they will begin to break forth little by little as a sign of revival beginning in our homes and in our land. As the Spirit and the confidence of the Church builds, and as the Church begins to stand, I see the hand of the Lord removing the holds, the blocks, and even some of the delays that have been held in place by God himself in preparation for HIS appointed time to release many in the coming DUE SEASON. Many have waited for this coming hour, many have prophesied about this coming hour, many have felt at times as though this coming hour would never come. It is upon us! “Thus saith the Lord God; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown...exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.” -Ezekiel 21:26,27
Michael David Watson is the founder & pastor of The BreakOut Center Cleveland, MDW Ministries Inc., The Gift'd School & Owner of Gift'd Expressions Prophetic Art Org. Called to release Gifts and preach the Gospel through the Prophetic Word & Creativity. Husband & Father of three, author of several books, and Prophet Artist based in Cleveland Ohio Michael travels locally & abroad to meet the Call of God.
Contact & Booking: michaelwatsonministries@gmail.com 216.415.0877