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Networks & Airlines! & More to Come

This weeks powerful Prophecy Fulfilment as Prophetic Signs continue to flood in during this crucial historic season.


While in grade school during one of my elementary science classes, I distinctly remember a moment when the teacher began to expound on the big bang theory and other theories in which I raised my hand and asked very simply... "why?" She continued to share more facts and theories, and verry convincing evidence of many possibilities. Yet, I still raised my hand and asked "Why?" Once again she replied with more theories... more facts... and more rhetoric. Not to say that what she was stating was not truth, but that in everything that was stated - there was no “WHY “to answer some of the deeper purposes behind the science.



In our circumstances we are also in the midst of many facts, many possibilities and much rhetoric - even enough to fill an endless number of libraries. Yet facts, possibilities and rhetoric do not satisfy the deeper places of our human nature and much more, they do not satisfy the original hunger and thirst of our God given nature to desire the answers to life in our time, our culture and our destiny.



"its not events that define destiny, its destiny that defines events! "


More Importantly when it comes to prophecy, it is the WHY that defines purpose and destiny. Not “the what, what happened, nor what's going to happen,” that brings definition. No, it’s not events that define destiny, but it is the destiny that actually defines the events! When prophecies are fulfilled, and things come to pass on Gods calendar - rest assured the events carry great significance for what God is doing and what he wants to do. But in a deeper sense, our focus should never just be on events, facts, and information. Instead, let our focus be on what moves the events, what defines the facts and what is the source of our information. That is to say that we need to be in touch with Gods Spirit in the matter, his heart, his agenda, and his will!

Let me ask you this question today, "Are you in touch with Gods will for your life, even so - are you in touch with Gods will for our time, our generation, and our nation? If the answer is no, don't worry - it’s ok.. that's what I'm here for, writing you this article and letter - to shed some light on what God wants to show you in this moment. If the answer is Yes, then praise the Lord – and allow me to add some perspective and some insight to empower what God is saying to you in this hour.



God is looking for people with the faith and the boldness to copyright moments in history with the marks of Jesus.


In conclusion, we don't just observe and watch events. Remember, events don't define our destiny, but our destiny is ordained to define events. That means that we hold the narrative to what God is doing. And every moment is an opportunity to either let everyone else's narrative play out or worse, let the enemy’s narrative play out. Instead, we are being called to introduce Gods narrative! God is looking for people with the faith and the boldness to copyright moments in history with the marks of Jesus. God is looking for faith, and those with the faith will begin to own the rights to the moments of our time - pointing a world to Jesus!



In the above Prophecy we see Gods continued fulfilments of his word on this journey that we are on in the midst of a great transition in the nation of America. The strange, concerning and sometimes tragic - even catastrophic events in our time will in-fact continue to come! As Gods Prophet, I have been touched to see a future that in this hour is not so distant. It is a time riddled with many challenges, and many problems in this world the likes of which we have never seen. Even more as a prophet, I cannot tell you anything other than the truth, no matter how hard it may be to hear. Yet, in the midst of the most trying era in human history - this generation shall yield forth greater gold in this fire than any generation before us! (1 Peter 1:7) God has marked you for this hour, and he has his Church in his hands. Make sure to find yourself more than any other time amongst its ranks.



I wish I had more room to share the many more fulfilments of prophecy that have been revealed in this hour, both scriptural prophecies and present-day prophecies. Even on the heels of our first presidential assassination attempt in decades - there is so much more to share, but despite the news, events, and facts - our job does not even involve being informed in such a way. Instead, let us focus on being informed by the Spirit of the Living God! To be in prayer and on watch continually! And together we will see the greatest harvest of souls and blessing the world has ever seen.



Thank you from our last prophetic letter, those of you that sowed and partnered, we saw our greatest support for the ministry this quarter! I want to bless you and I want to continue to be a voice in whatever capacity God has allowed. Your gifts and support have made that possible in a way that I cannot express. May the Lord continue to empower you, increase you and multiply what's in your hands.


As you Partner with me this Hour, your support helps send us where God has commissioned, and helps us build where God is breaking ground. As he has validated this ministry, may he validate every assignment and mission he sends us on. May he even validate the purpose, mission and assignment on your own house in Jesus Mighty Name! (Matthew 10:41)

*Prophet Michael David Watson


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