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God spoke to me this season and said that He is confirming his voices in the land this hour - in the most blind political times our nation has ever seen!


You may ask in your heart, “How can we recognize a message that the LORD has not spoken?” When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD and the message does not come to pass or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.


Jeremiah 28:9As for the prophet who prophesies peace, only if the word of the prophet comes true will the prophet be recognized as one the LORD has truly sent."


 "The Lords Eye is on the Leaders of the Nations"

 As we continue to navigate these times WATCH CLOSESLY and be prayerful to see what the lord is doing in the nations and in your house!



Seasons of prophecy fulfillment are seasons of LIGHT! If you are believing God for your season to be unlocked, for instructions, direction, or answers... When we learn to turn into moments of revelation, take advantage of seasons of light and pay attention to the tokens and signs of God, we harness the prophetic grace to unlock the seasons of our own life. As you sow a seed into this week of revelation - I'm praying for vision and revelation to open to you. As your prophet, one that God has designated for you this time - I'm prayerfully dedicated and declaring that your eyes and ears are open in Jesus name!

As God has continued to confirm his word to through our ministry month after month - it is a fulfillment of a word the angel of the lord brought to me in 2020 in times of prayer and consecration. That the events of this new time would be unfolded to us - as God would not do a thing unless he reveals it to his prophets. (Amos 3:7) As a chosen Prophet and vessel, and only through our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - God is confirming and securing your preservation, increase, and breakthrough this hour.



No sickness cancer nor disease will prevail says the Lord!

As we pray for Representative Sheila Jackson Lee and all of our leaders - we are also praying for your house, and your loved ones. Receive your miracle, healing and deliverance even at the reading of this letter In Jesus Name! Place your hand on your body right where you are and let the tangible fire of God consume every place of infirmity in Jesus Mighty Name!


In the prophetic word released this week, the Lord said that there is purpose in the preservation - that healing and wholeness does not come for any reason at all - but because there is still a work for YOU to do! Receive it In Jesus Name!


As you Partner with me us this Hour, your support helps send us where God has commissioned, and helps us build where God is breaking ground. As he has validated this ministry, may he validate every assignment and mission he sends us on. May he even validate the purpose, mission and assignment on your own house in Jesus Mighty Name! (Matthew 10:41)


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