On the morning of December 20th, 2020 around 10 am, I woke with visions and an audible voice that stated "Venezuela Incumbent Dies". This message startled me as I opened my eyes muttering exactly what I heard. It was a clear audible message, almost like a headline. There were no questions as to what I heard. I have no affiliation or interest in particular concerning Venezuela. Neither did I know what the word "incumbent" actually meant. Again I had no personal, political connection or interest in the subject pertaining to the context of my encounter. I only know what I heard. I began to pray and study the subject in order to gain a better context of what God might be doing or saying. This particular prophetic word took me outside of the comforts of my local vision, to see the bigger picture from a worldview. Let's take a closer look as I unpack the revelation I believe I received from the startling three words I woke up to.
VENEZUELA If we took a trip overseas to Venezuela today we will find a pretty messy and chaotic scene. It's a picture of human rights abuse, political crisis, refugee crisis, blackouts, energy crisis, defections, hyperinflation, international sanctions, shortages, and censorship. All of this among the adverse conditions of the countries economic and health breakdown from the coronavirus. It is very clear that Venezuela is definitely in crisis, along with many other countries as well.
INCUMBENT This word stood out to me. Not being a fan of politics, and probably needing work on some of my English - this word was not in my vocabulary. When I looked it up this is what I found...
(of an official or regime) currently holding office. *Current, Existing, Present, Reigning
This to me was the first sign of significance for what I heard in my ear. It is an indicator of the timeframe of its relevance, as the Angel of the Lord specifically used the word "Incumbent" meaning the time frame of this word could very well be within this leader's office. I knew it had to do with the Venezuelan President, After looking him up I found "Nicholas Maduro" Venezuela's current acting leader in power among other things. This Venezuelan President is questionably holding power in office as he has been in position since what would have been 2013 to 2019. But due to controversy within the elections, a legal power has yet to be secured as Maduro's office and position has been in question since the beginning of last year. Just recently not only has Maduro continued to hold the country of Venezuela hostage to this crisis under his power, but he has sought to increase his hold and secure his grip.
DIES I asked God, what does this have to do with me and us here in the united states? And simply, this is an apparent picture of the state of our world today. The U.S. is amidst a great worldwide shift, and many transitions are beginning with America. Several months ago, I got a prophetic word from the Lord that there will be many fallen stars - meaning that people in high positions and in power are going to fall. Corrupt influencers, corrupt political and national leaders, and corrupt modern-day kings represent principalities and demonic strongholds on regions and nations around the world. Another prophetic word I received from the Lord around the same time spoke of a judgment being released over the strongholds and corruption of nations, that there would be a falling away, a shifting, and a turning of injustices across the Globe. I believe that this begins with the United States. In recent months the U.S. has been a spearhead to the root of much corruption that spans its way around the world, and even within the united nations. Venezuela included... I am speaking by the Holy Spirit. God is pulling down strongholds from the crown to the feet of our nations... What happens at the head affects the rest of the body, and in this time God is shifting and moving some things for the mercy of our nations, the grace of our people, and for the deliverance and revival of our lands!
PROPHETIC WORD The word of God says in Proverbs 29:2, "When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, But when a wicked man rules, people groan." Nicholas Maduro with a lifted voice against our nation, and a corrupt hand upon your own people, an ally with those who seek to overthrow Godly and humane order. Your office has been a plague upon the land of Venezuela. As the corruption in elections and government runs parallel with our own nation's corrupt democracy. Your time will be cut short as this wickedness that has tempted to bleed across Venezuela will be stunted in its season. God will make a sign of you for the Nations of the earth that a turning is upon us! I believe that God's mercy and grace is being released across the land of Venezuela today... I see his hand of Judgement on the corruption and upon the enemy behind the faces of such leaders, as he moves these hidden dictators out of the way! It is a sign for this Nation of America, and many other nations to follow, that the turning has begun, the turning of Injustice is among us!
PRAYER I pray mercy over Nicolas Maduro, Mercy for the government of Venezuela, but even more grace for Her people and the nations of the world in light of this word! Let his Mercy and Grace be as swift as his Judgment on the corruption.
I release this Word with great caution and humility.
Please Judge Wisely
Michael David Watson is the founder & pastor of The BreakOut Center Cleveland, MDW Ministries Inc., The Gift'd School & Owner of Gift'd Expressions Prophetic Art Org. Called to release Gifts and preach the Gospel through the Prophetic Word & Creativity. Husband & Father of three, author of several books, and Prophet Artist based in Cleveland Ohio Michael travels locally & abroad to meet the Call of God.
Contact & Booking: michaelwatsonministries@gmail.com 216.415.0877