A much-needed prayer and prophetic psalm the Lord has given me... a cry for the heart of pride, and a plea of surrender.
Many of us are fighting to be right, still fighting to be proud - Fighting to be noticed... Fighting to be important... Fighting to be seen... Fighting to be vindicated... Fighting to be respected...
God never asked us to fight for these things.
Therefore I am grateful to fight to be broken, to fight to lay down... At his feet. To fight to love & and forgive above myself. To fight for humility and to fight to stay low so that only he would stand up in me. To Fight to stay down, ever fighting to be still, and fighting to turn the other cheek. Fighting against myself, fighting against my will, fighting against my own esteem, control, and self-preservation.
Thank you, Lord, for your heavy hand upon me! I would rather lay in humility on the floor of your courts for eternity - than to stand in the heights of the World for a lifetime only.
I am Grateful for the press! I am safe under your heaviness...
Your word brings me low. Low enough to be high on your love. Low enough to be protected from the proud, to be covered from disgrace.
I trade in my dignity for the robes of your Grace. I surrender my ego & self-importance for your eternal purposes. I let go of self-worth for value in your worthiness.
My soul is glad to be abased and tamed under your glory... My emotions are aflame and passions are a burning fire purging in the furnace of your Spirit.
How beautiful is the crushing of my humanity under the weight of your Word? When the world seeks comfort - my heart finds rest in the discomfort of Truth and the birth pains of revival. When the world seeks pleasures my heart leaps for joy at the affliction of your higher calling - never compromised, never in slumber.
When beauty & Blessing remind me of your hand of grace - testing and tribulation remind me of your heart of sacrifice. Your cross of true Love.
Crucify my heart, resurrect my soul, revive my life and Live in it forevermore.
"The Cross of Self"
If only we really knew how to Love!
Help us, Lord, teach us - we have so much further to go.
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Michael David Watson is the founder & pastor of The BreakOut Center Cleveland, MDW Ministries Inc.,The Gift'd School & Owner of Gift'd Expressions Prophetic Art Org. Called to release Gifts and preach the Gospel through the Prophetic Word & Creativity. Husband & Father of three, author of several books, and Prophetic Artist based in Cleveland Ohio Michael travels locally & abroad to meet the Call of God.
Contact & Booking: michaelwatsonministries@gmail.com 216.415.0877