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I was visited by a witch last night in a dream - she came to bargain for seed! A large depiction of Genitals appeared from the air as generations of semen were distributed and folded up for an exchange with this witch. After several unfolding events in this dream, eventually, I managed to escape from the power and influence of this demonic spirit.

After inquiring of the lord about this bizarre dream, I understood that the seed represented generations of Gifts and Generational Calling, Ministry Gifts, Pastors, Teachers, Prophets, Apostles, and Evangelists that are in the hands of the church today... The enemy is bargaining for the generations and is after your Gift and every gift that will birth from the blessing on your life! If he can take you down, and the influence of your ministry and life then he can abort future generations of the church, if he can cause you to compromise in your calling then he can lay claim to the ministers, gifts, and carriers of the word of God in generations to follow. Your ministry, gift, and influence has generational impact and is vital to what God wants to do now and in generations to come. The enemy is actively bargaining for your seed!

Father, We bind the hand of the enemy and we cancel every ungodly transaction that has taken place to compromise the gifts and callings of this generation! We break the stronghold on our lives to abort and sell out our very own generational impact and seed for those following us in Jesus' Name! (Exodus 34:7)

Michael David Watson is the founder & pastor of The BreakOut Center Cleveland, MDW Ministries Inc., The Gift'd School & Owner of Gift'd Expressions Prophetic Art Org. Called to release Gifts and preach the Gospel through the Prophetic Word & Creativity. Husband & Father of three, author of several books, and Prophet Artist based in Cleveland Ohio Michael travels locally & abroad to meet the Call of God.

Contact & Booking: michaelwatsonministries@gmail.com216.415.0877


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