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PROPHETIC WORD OVER CORONA TODAY! | Four Powerful but simple things God is Saying to the Church! WHEN GOD SUSPENDS OUR TIME! It is very apparent that God has allowed COVID-19 to cause the world to be still before him in this season. He has allowed our work & activities to be suspended, our games and parties to be suspended, our worldly rituals and celebrations to be suspended, our religious institutions and programs to be suspended and more. Some have said that not having church is not biblical & claim the scripture "do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together" (Hebrews 10:25) But if anything the church needed to be suspended most of all! This is a time to Reflect, Redirect, and Collect ourselves for a shift from our plans - to God's plans. Often God will allow delays blockages and even shutdowns to get our attention! In many ways if we were to be honest the church has been too busy having church and not really hearing God's plans above our own. (Proverbs 19:21) This is a season for us to pay attention to what God might have been trying to say to us for the past decade. Maybe when we return to our solemn assemblies something will have shifted - something will have changed, maybe the religious cycles will have been broken - maybe there will be a refreshing in the land. I believe so, and I want to believe that we will have turned our hearts in the direction that God has desired in this hour. (2 Chron. 7:14) There are four things that the holy Spirit showed me this week that God is doing in the midst of this pandemic. 1.) God is REDIRECTING - he is shifting our plans and preparing for something new and a refreshing to be released over our land. The Lord says that this is a season of DOWNLOAD... as God is pooring out new plans & strategies to the Church. He is confirming mandates and establishing purpose in our ministries. So this is a time where it is imperative to be attentive and to listen, and hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying. (Epesians 5:15) 2.) God is ACCELERATING the natural harvest cycle in a season of famine and plague. (Amos 9:13) and MULTIPLYING a harvest to for the greatest influx of souls the church has seen! (Joel 2:28) 3.) God is Giving us an UPGRADE There has been spiritual warfare over the internet and social media since it's emergence in 1969, and there has been major TERRITORY TO BE CLAIMED in this arena for decades - The church has only recently begun to really possess the land of this arena within the past 20 Years. If anything, COVED-19 has caused a flood of churches and ministries to infiltrate the world's largest platform of information and knowledge over the past few months like never before! Churches who may have never used the internet are now directing their attention to it. Churches who have yet to upgrade and update their methods to meet the times have now been forced to get with the program. "God is upgrading his church!" In a time such as this - in a generation where All eyes are online - God is preparing this as (not the only) but just one of the avenues he seeks to flood in this next great move of God! 4.) God Will RESTORE - God has said to me whenever he draws us away in a season to sanctify, redirect and accelerate - although time may be suspended around us... It will always be restored and restored without deficit, without loss and without anything having been missed. (Joel 2:25) ADDITIONALLY God has said to me that This outbreak will end sooner than expected - The question we need to ask ourselves is - DID WE RESPOND ADEQUATELY TO PREPARE FOR WHAT GOD IS ABOUT TO DO NEXT? Father God we pray that you would give us the will to do of your good pleasure in this hour, We pray that you would expose the true enemy in our midst and give us wisdom on how to act and what to do in these end times. Father God teach us to be led by you, and show us how to prepare for what's next in your great end day move of God! In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

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Michael D. Watson is the founder & pastor of The BreakOut Center Cleveland & MDW Ministries Inc. Called to release Gifts and preach the Gospel through the Prophetic Word & Creativity. Husband & Father of three, author of several books and Prophet Artist based in Cleveland Ohio Michael travels locally & abroad to meet the Call of God.

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